
International Women's Day

Wednesday 18 March 2015

A celebration to express respect and admiration for Woman around the world

'We realise the importance of our voices when we are silenced' Malala Yousafzai

The first International Women's Day was held on March 19th 1911. Over 1 million people attended rallies worldwide to mark the occasion.It’s now celebrated in over 100 countries. Restless Development strongly believe in the empowerment of women and girls, that females have the right to education, a right to peace, a right to work, a right to government office, a right to vote. A right to equality across all boards. Women perform 2/3 of the world’s work, produce 50% of the food, but earn only 10% of the income and own only 1% of the property. At the same time, women aren’t participating in public and political life on equal terms as men.

Women from poor backgrounds, from rural and indigenous communities and minority groups are still particularly marginalised within decision making processes and institutions. Not only this but they are more susceptible to domestic abuse and sexual assault due to lack of self confidence and belief in equality.This is something that together we can change. By coming together and celebrating women and girls everywhere, we can raise awareness and make a stand for the right to equality, putting women at the forefront of change.

Tamil Nadu is a shining example of the beginnings of change. It’s a pleasure to be among people who have a real vision for their future, who realise they have the right to make their own choices about who they want to be. In 2012 the Director General of Police, Letika Saran retired. She was the first female Director General of Police in Tamil Nadu and only the second to hold this post in country. She said that from her first posting she found it hard, being only one of two women in this field at this level. It was like working in a goldfish bowl, with the eye of the public and department on you. You had to constantly prove yourself, not just as Letika Saran but as a female police officer – failure wasn’t an option. In 2010 when Letika Saran made Director General of Police, her appointment was challenged by another police officer who said that his seniority had been overlooked. After it had been to court the government reappointed her for the position.

People see Letika Saran as a super achieving cop, people like Letika Saran show the world that they can achieve anything if they fight hard enough. On the Friday before International Women'd day we held a celebration at Don Bosco's youth centre in one of our target villages of Vanjur. The aim was to create a festival style atmosphere for the young women and housewives who attended, to empower them and for them to understand that they too can have a dream which with hard work and faith (maybe some fairy dust) can develop in something beautiful. It could be confidence and understanding, a skill, a job and a sustainable income. A bright future!

It was a truly incredible morning. Around the hall we had case studies of inspirational women from around the world and Tamil Nadu and a chain of paper women covered in quotes and facts all about the empowerment of women. We begun the celebration with a speech from us all which was translated into Tamil and then we music and games with craft activities and a guest speaker. Each lady  make a friendship bracelet and so did all of the volunteers so there was the understanding that we are all connected as friends and equals. We also painted a banner where everyone printed a fingerprint onto the tree and by the end of the morning it was blossoming and shining just like the women's smiles.

I had a lovely time and was touched by so many of women's joy and laughter. It was so magical the way they were so willing to share this celebration with us. At the end of the morning the national volunteers asked the women how they were feeling and if they had enjoyed themselves. The feedback was unbelievable, not only did they have fun and could be care free for a few hours but many told us that it has encouraged them to want to work and to brave. What more can you do but light hearts up one at a time. I hope in the weeks to come we can continue their journey on a beautiful path.

I am so grateful to share this time with so many inspiring and lovely women. They will forever be in my heart.

Stay Beautiful,

Zsofia xxxx


'Each one of us can make a difference, together we can make a change' Barabra Mikulski

'Spread love wherever you go. Never let anyone leave you without leaving happier' Mother Teresa 

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