
Simply be...Kind!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

'Carry out a random act of kindness with the same hope that one day someone might do the same thing for you' Princess Diana

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. An act, something which we can all achieve on an everyday basis and most of the time it is part of our everyday nature. We don't have to specifically try to be considerate or show affection as it is is part of our human nature to be kind. Sometimes however we can be so busy we may not be as polite or thoughtful as we should be or would have liked to have been.

 Each day  I try to be conscious of my decisions especially those that affect others around me. I often think 'oh  I should have done this then' or smiled more at the lady. We so easily get wrapped up in our personal world and forget the impact we can have on a persons day. If  I am feeling sad and somebody smiles at me or holds the door open for me I instantly feel brighter. So I have come up with a few ways we can all try that bit harder to be kind to those around us. And hopefully light a sunshine in people's hearts. 

  1. Simply smile as you walk around town, smile at the people you pass by on the way to work. Maybe even say 'hello' or 'good morning' to the person waiting at the bus stop with you.
  2. Take a minute to stop and give someone directions even though you may be in a rush.
  3. Write a note for someone at work to brighten their day. Why not try, 'Never forget how beautiful you are'.
  4. Help a mother with her pram up and down stairs or someone with their suitcase.
  5. Say please and thank you and truly mean it.
  6. Hold the door for someone and stay there until everyone has come trough without moaning that you aren't a door stop.
  7. Offer your time to a friend or neighbour for babysitting.
  8. Buy a stranger a coffee.
  9. Give a shop assistant a home made treat so they know how much you appreciate their help.
  10. On crowded public transport offer your seat to anybody who looks like they need to sit down.

These are simply a few examples, there are endless amount of ways to bring kindness and love to those around us.  I like to write thank you notes for people; to wish them a nice day and to always make sure I ask people how they are and  actively listen to their response.Putting others before yourself can be challenging, especially in our fast paced lifestyles but give it a try!

The world is full of magically wonderful people like yourself so share your happiness with them.

Stay Beautiful,

          Zsofia xxxx 

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