
Happiness in a Jar

Thursday 5 February 2015

The most Important thing in life is Happiness, to own the feeling of joy within ourselves- it's all that matters!

As the days get closer to my departure to India, I have felt myself getting more anxious inside. And when I am more anxious I become more self critical. When I am more self critical I become sad and it's hard to find reason to be happy. But I need to be happy, I need to be cheerful for the world already has enough sadness. The world needs more happy people, the world needs kindness for others and for ourselves. I find it hardest to be kind to myself, especially when I am anxious and I get all nervous and wound up. So I always try to remember that I am alive, I have a wonderful family and home and so many reasons to be thankful and I also have people who love me and depend on me.

I have written letters for my loved ones and created these jars with hearts in so that they know that no matter how far away I may be that I am thinking of them and love them with all my heart. These jars I feel can go two ways, they can be filled with treats and messages for a friend as a gift, such as a little candle and some home made cookies. Or as a personal happiness jar, where everyday or week you write down something that you are thankful for or something that makes you happy and place it inside. When you are sad or upset simply read it to yourself. It's amazing the power positive words can have on your soul.

To make the jars you will need:

  • A Jar
  • Some pretty paper
  • Some paper doilies 
  • Some colored thread
  • Scissors
  • A Pen
  • Treats of choose
  • Glitter     

To make these happiness jars are so easy and I think they look beautiful. Simply draw a heart on the back of the pretty paper and cut it out. Then place a doilie with the heart on top on the front of the jar and tie into place with the thread. Now fill with more cut out hearts, some sprinkles of glitter, happy messages and treats. Or for a different idea ass a tea light and use the jar as a candle holder. Now it's all ready to give to a friend.

 I have made a few to give to my friends before I leave for India next week. I have also made one for my dad as it's his birthday soon and I will fill it with treats and messages for them to read.

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