
Peace Begins with a Smile

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Wouldn't it be a wondrous thing if a smile could travel around the world. 
Your smile, a gentle sweet smile. It has the power to do just that, to brighten a strangers day.
It will pass from person to person like a gentle breeze touching all who receive it. 
Isn't that a beautiful thought.
A little smile which you hardly thought about could light up someones heart when they least expected and truly needed to be shown compassion. 

We all have hearts,
We all need to be shown that someone cares,
To know that we are loved 
We all sometimes need  help to smile.

It's so easy to rush about our lives with out a secondary thought of the interactions we have on a daily basis. We are all so busy, ruled by the hours of the day and tasks we must complete rather than the people we meet during in the day. Let's take a moment to think as we next walk down the street to make a conscious effect to take notice of the people we see and meet, and then smile. You never know, they may need cheering up. Wouldn't you like to receive the gift of a smile on a day you were sad, I know I would.

Stay Beautiful,

     Zsofia xxxx

Every time you smile at someone it is an action of love,

 a gift to that person, a beautiful thing (Mother Teresa)

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