
The search for beauty within us all

Wednesday 21 January 2015

We're surrounded by beauty, natural, aesthetic, sunshine or a celebrity. It be easy to forget about inner beauty. A beauty within us all, so pure and delightful if we let it glow.  When I was younger I felt this desire to spread kindness and happiness. Where ever I traveled I would leave messages of my gratitude or even just to wish a person well. I would leave them in a friends house after I visited; a receipt at a cafe or places such as the doctors or a bus stop on a rainy day, somewhere a person may need cheering up.  I know if I found a note with positivity, on a day I was sad it would make me smile. Sometimes I carry homemade cakes around in my bag in case I see someone who needs to be shown some compassion.  At Christmas time I would give strangers Christmas cards. If I ever see anyone who looks cold I will buy them a drink, or sometimes all I can offer is a conversation but when you think about it that can mean more to someone than any of the above. Giving a stranger your time is more sacred a gift than some money or cake. Giving some of your time away shows the other person that you are interested in them, in their well-being. 'Time is a healer' after all according to Eva Cassidy. Asking someone how they are, if they had a nice day engages you into their lives with a kindness far grater than dropping a coin in a hat would. 

So I shall do my best to help others smile. Everyone deserves to smile, some just need to be reminded how wonderful they are sometimes.  You're eyes light up when you smile

For a long time I would send my friends weekly poems or what I called happy texts. A text reminding them of all those in their lives who care for them; a message of hope, showing them all the beauty of the world which surrounds them; or even just to say I am thinking of them and to wish them sweet dreams. Everyone needs to know that someone cares, to feel that they matter. They all matter to me.

Today I was walking into town and I saw a sleeping bag and some rubbish at the side of the road and I thought about how many times a day people must see it and think to themselves, oh gosh that's terrible but continue to walk on by,some may give money. There was no one around as it was day time but come night it would be a different story. The sleeping bag would become a shelter for a very cold body, which lives in fear and worry. So today, I didn't walk past, I didn't give money, I wrote a note with my number on and a message that read 'please contact me if you would like to talk to a friend or information on night shelters'. The likely hood that someone will read it and respond  is very slim but at least they should know that they aren't alone.  No one is alone, not truly alone, for we are by their side. 

Anyway continuing with the theme of spreading happiness where ever I can, I will talk about myself. During the past few month I have struggled with anxiety and lost touch with my inner beauty. The part of me that makes me feel alive and happy. Everyday activities were a struggle and I could no longer find beauty in the world. For as long as I remember I have found joy in the small everyday things with such enthusiasm; a gesture of kindness or having a positive outlook on any situation. I believe that if I could do that then I could always have a reason to be happy. But as I said for a while I lost that ability to find happiness where ever I was, it was no longer a part of me. I am working on finding my own inner beauty and happiness again and I wish to help others do the same.The ability to smile and see beauty even on the darkest and gloomiest of days. 

 When I feel anxious and alone more than anything I want to feel wanted, someone to show me that they care and to share a smile with me. That's what my aim is, to help all of the people around the world who feel helpless and sad know that they are Wanted and Loved and Cared for and that when they are ready I am waiting to be their friend. My angel wishes idea is just that, to help spread love and care to others when they are at their most vulnerable. For one of the most terrible things in life is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. So please contact me if you know someone who needs to reminded of their value. 

'Where ever you go, let no one ever come to you without leaving happier' Mother Teresa 


  1. Thank you Zsofia! That was truly beautiful & I shall try my hardest to spread more happiness everyday as you are doing, xx

    1. Thank you! I am sure you already spread happiness where ever you go by simply being yourself xxx


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