
Sunshine on my shoulders

Thursday 15 January 2015

I like the sunrise for it brings a new day.
I like a new day as it brings new hope.

I like the sunrise blazing in the new sky.
Nighttime is weary and so is my heart

Every evening I wish upon a star,
That my brand new bright tomorrow isn't very far.
When that deep inky blue curtain of the night,
is raised up high, way out of sight;
I smile for I know the sun isn't far

I like the sunrise so heavenly to see.
I like the sunrise,
I hope it likes me

Earlier this week I took the train to visit my cousin to clean her house to help with some charity fundraising I am doing. On the way I was struck with how beautiful the sun was as it shone through the window and bounced off the leaves in the fields. The sun is all around us, never failing to raise and shine each morning and I must say it never fails to make me smile. The sun is a natural beauty which is never going to leave us. So always look at the sunshine and admire its effervescence when you feel sad, the sunshine loves you and it's love, like it's glow, will never fade.If you smile at the sunshine that's one definite smile a day, or one more than you had before. Smile at the sunshine for it is smiling back at you.

Stay Beautiful,

         Zsofia xxxx

'Remember you're the one who creates the sunshine in the world' Snow White

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